Our Softwares

RagnaCustoms App

By installing this application you enable the one click download, then you also can use it for twitch requests and streaming overlay.
Be carefull to take the RagnaCustoms.Installer2.msi. If you take the zip folder, it won't work.

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Community Softwares & Tools


The defacto editor for Ragnarock. Created by PkBeam, Edda is a user-friendly program that allows you to map custom songs for Ragnarock VR on Steam and Quest.

Official website


An application that couple with EDDA to calculate how much time you spend on mapping.
Made by Watsu.

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A simple stat graphic generator for Ragnarock videos and other content, creates both end-screen stats and song info screen.

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Ragnarock add-on for Streamers

A Ragnarock Layer App for streaming or improve skills in Vikings on Tour.
Made by wanadev developper.

How to install


Ragnarock Streamer.bot integration. Helpful Streamer.bot actions and commands for streaming Ragnarock.
Made by Brolly.

How to install