Killing In The Name
3 months ago

Killing In The Name E

13 0
Mapped by

Requested by VodderGicht, thanks!!!
God, that one wasn't easy, hope yall enjoy.
BPM is (very) variable. RATM for referencing.

From the eponymous album released in 1991.

4.5 (2)


No feedback for now, be the first!


(Drum sound only plays when this tab is active)
00:00 00:00
Player by Ratzee

Leaderboard VR

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st Brollyy 7554.39 79% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 11 100% 0
2nd Rien 7381.74 78% 22d ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 11
3rd Marilius 7255.47 67% 9d ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 10 99% 1
4th Vivahawaii 7251.61 69% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 9 99% 2
5th MoreMandy 7191.05 64% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 10 99% 4
6th ToBe 7170.43 66% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 5
7th LGM 7147.24 67% 17d ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 8 99% 10
8th Grievous3000 7117.61 64% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 13
8th LatticeProject 7117.61 63% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 6
10th Roggan29 7080.24 61% 24d ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 6
11th Pri5m 7022.26 60% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 8 99% 7
12th Xoanon 6835.42 51% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 8 99% 4
13th Pirre 6832.85 49% 3mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 3
14th Shemsu 6780.02 50% 21d ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 10
15th vred 6777.44 64% 3mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 2 99% 9
16th 7thTrigg3r 6597.05 42% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 21
17th decnug 6497.83 38% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 7 99% 12
18th thevagrantmoose 6468.2 41% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 98% 25
19th Rox 5972.12 34% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
2 | 1 93% 111

Leaderboard VoT

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st caveman1094 6999.07 57% 1mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 9 99% 4
2nd Bobashnabala 6907.58 53% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
3 | 8 100% 0
3rd lacinephile 6895.98 55% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 6
4th Klowroqueen 6731.05 45% 1mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 9
5th Pri5m 6715.59 47% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 7

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