Welcome To The Black Parade
10 months ago

Welcome To The Black Parade

1 0
Mapped by

Disclaimer: I made this using the base from the other creator's version (SilentBoss, go check out his version). I remapped everything but kept the BPM & Time Signature changes, minor tweaks to those. No fault to SilentBoss' version, I wanted my own version and I'm a stickler for drums, I found it wanting in some areas. So, enjoy both versions. With this version, you'll learn how to do paradiddles.

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No feedback for now, be the first!


(Drum sound only plays when this tab is active)
00:00 00:00
Player by Ratzee

Leaderboard VR

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st Slaik 6199 51% 8mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 7 98% 41
2nd ToBe 6112.67 49% 10mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 99% 21
3rd ryanleej 6045.67 48% 9mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 97% 58
4th bentikiti 5807.29 43% 5mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 4 95% 81
5th GlycerinGhost 5547.01 33% 9mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 4 93% 124
6th Starobino 5539.28 27% 9mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 5 96% 59
6th Antipants 5539.28 31% 6mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 4 94% 101
8th James 5375.64 30% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
7 | 0 93% 119

Leaderboard VoT

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st AcroAnomaly 6240.23 46% 2mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 9 99% 6
2nd iEatCheeks 5861.41 33% 5mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 7 99% 10
3rd Klowroqueen 5084.44 16% 3mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
4 | 1 93% 109

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