1 year ago


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(Drum sound only plays when this tab is active)
00:00 00:00
Player by Ratzee

Leaderboard VR

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st CaveLad 4607.69 88% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 8 100% 0
2nd pgpweasel 4535.53 84% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 99% 2
3rd Brollyy 4389.93 73% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 8 100% 0
4th RedBull-PC 4387.35 76% 12mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 7 99% 1
5th TomTom49VR 4261.08 71% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 6 99% 8
6th HeviSaatana 4109.03 61% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 99% 10
7th vred 4056.21 79% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 0 100% 0
8th Xoanon 4009.82 48% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 7 100% 0
9th ToBe 4003.37 53% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 99% 10
10th VodderGicht 4002.09 56% 3mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 5 99% 10
11th Xanthon 3920.91 50% 8mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 5 99% 14
12th llama333 3869.37 46% 9mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 5 99% 15
13th thevagrantmoose 3866.79 47% 8mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 5 99% 13
14th virtualgo 3862.93 45% 1y ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 5 99% 8
15th 6matko 3716.04 36% 10mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 5 98% 17
16th Grievous3000 3625.84 38% 8mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 3 98% 23
17th 7thTrigg3r 3598.78 29% 10mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 5 97% 30
18th LogLog 3517.61 36% 6mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
6 | 0 98% 26
19th Divided913 3305 30% 5mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
3 | 0 91% 96

Leaderboard VoT

# player distance Perfects Time Set More Stats
1st Millennial 3873.23 43% 5mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
0 | 6 99% 10
2nd Umpa 3784.33 35% 6mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 6 99% 4
3rd Admiral 3694.13 33% 5mo ago
Combos Hit Missed
1 | 5 99% 7

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